Our teamĀ  specializes in constructing personalized search engines for websites. This innovative solution empowers websites to showcase pertinent content from their digital assets in a centralized location, streamlining the process for visitors to quickly and easily access the information they seek. By leveraging a custom search engine, websites can present highly relevant content and suggest additional resources to deepen engagement and enhance conversions.

Relevant search results on a web store can help reduce costs and increase conversions

Our consultancy and implementation expertise extends to Elasticsearch, Solr, Sphinx, and Manticore

Sphinx Search Implementation

Sphinx Search is a powerful open-source tool designed to facilitate large-scale full-text searches that conventional databases are incapable of handling. Our team has extensive expertise in utilizing this tool and has successfully implemented numerous intelligent, rapid, and scalable searches using Sphinx Search. We assist our clients in developing, configuring, deploying and expanding Sphinx Search deployments to maximize its benefits.

Elasticsearch Implementation

Our team provides expert Elasticsearch support and consultancy services to our clients. We understand the value of time and money for our clients, and leverage our extensive experience with Elasticsearch to streamline design, implementation, deployment and scalability efforts. By implementing industry best practices and avoiding common architectural mistakes, we help our clients achieve efficient and effective Elasticsearch solutions while minimizing costs and maximizing returns.

Unlock the Power of Effective Search

Ready to revolutionize your search capabilities? Contact us today to discuss your search optimization goals. Our team is ready to craft tailored solutions that empower your digital presence and enhance user experiences..